About this event
Racing Membership $200. Full voting rights, all Membership benefits (see <csrgracing.org> for details.)
Associate Membership $70. All Membership benefits except voting rights (see <csrgracing.org> for details.)
*Please note that prices do not include 5% credit card fees, which equals: 2% MSR fee + 3.0% + $0.30 per transaction credit card fees. If you wish to pay by cash or check and avoid the processing fee, contact Kate Roth at registrar@csrgweb.org or 415.999.4139 to Register offline.
Event requirements
What you need to race with CSRG
Your car must be restored in a period correct manner, and must meet all of CSRG’s rules, tire specifications, etc. See the current CSRG Rules and Safety Regulations at <csrgracing.org>.
Your car must be submitted for provisional approval at least 8 weeks prior to a desired entry to an event. This may be waived on application.
Safety equipment: See the current CSRG Rules and Safety Regulations at <csrgracing.org>.
Vintage attitude – An attitude that supports the proposition that the cars and the drivers are irreplaceable and that everybody is just out there to have a great time. Drivers that “have to win” or need to prove something will not find a CSRG event to be a very compatible venue for their exploits.
If you have questions about any of the above information, please e-mail us at registrar@csrgweb.org.