Sat, May 25 - Sun, May 26, 2024

2024 MRA Round 2 PMP - SuperStreet

Pueblo Motorsports Park

About this event

The Motorcycle Roadracing Association Inc. (MRA) takes pride in creating fun, safe, affordable, competitive motorcycle roadracing opportunities in Colorado!

The MRA designed the SuperStreet class for motorcycle enthusiasts who are not licensed roadracers, but who’d like to experience motorcycle roadracing on a real racetrack without the substantial investment in bike preparation and transportation equipment that club level racing typically requires. Costs for entry are low compared to the other sprint classes and bike prep is minimal. This allows people to “get their feet wet” and see if roadracing is truly for them without making a full commitment. Basically, if you are equipped to ride at a trackday you can race in the SuperStreet class.

Different from a track day, though, you will participate in an actual race against the other riders in your class where you will use race strategies & passing tactics in competing for single goal of getting to the finish line first.

The SuperStreet event has to be capped at 26 entires. Get signed up early!


MRA New Rider Director - Dan Spurlock


MRA Expert Racer Jason Martinez introducing a new SuperStreet Racer to the MRA and Motorcycle Roadracing! (Photo by Brandon Wren)



Rider Rep Josh Baker instructs Supertreet Student Mallory Makousky at High Plains Raceway (Photo by Brandon Wren)


Event requirements


The SuperStreet class is held on Saturdays in conjunction with MRA race events at the racetrack.  You start by arriving at the track before or around 10am.  You should then unload your bike and set up any needed equipment.  Make sure your bike is ready to go through tech inspection which will start after the noon classroom session.  Now would be a good time to make sure you have fuel, correct air pressure in your tires, and give it your own tech inspection.    

Whether you registered online or have a SuperStreet voucher, you still need to register in the raceday office no later than 10:30am.  Next, there will be calls over the PA announcing the start of the classroom session, which will be held during the lunch break usually starting around noon.  During the classroom we will discuss racetrack procedures, motorcycle preparation, and race craft tactics specific for motorcycle roadracing.  You’ll also be paired up with an experienced MRA racer who will be your on track instructor later in the day. 

Immediately after the classroom session we will go through bike tech inspection.  The Saturday afternoon MRA races will be going on during SuperStreet tech and you’re welcome to watch those to see what the experts are doing during real competition.  It’d also be a good time to walk over to pre-grid to see where you’ll be meeting with your instructor for the on track sessions.  Do keep track of the Saturday race day schedule progress and plan on getting into your equipment and bike warmed up while the last race is in progress.

Directly following the last race, calls will go out over the PA for the SuperStreet students & instructors to meet up at pre-grid.  If you haven’t yet, you’ll meet your race instructor who will guide you through some basic on-track lines and techniques tailored to help you go faster.  After 30 minutes on track, there will be a break so you’ll be able to take a breather, hydrate, make bike adjustments, or chat with your instructor. After the break, you will be called back onto th etrack for launch drills (practice starts),

After each participant complete one or two practice starts, the grand finale of the day will be the SuperStreet sprint race where you’ll be assigned a grid spot, and compete in a full length multi-lap race against the SuperStreet field in a no-limits contest to the finish line.


Superstreet is one of the most affordable ways to experience the race track, gain skills and get coaching, with prices starting as low as $75 (when purchased with a 6-Pak). Individual SuperStreet passes cost $125, and can be purchased in this SuperStreet event.

Purchase a Multi-Pak and share* with one or more friends, or come back multiple times as you advance your skills. Multi-Pak pricing is as follows:

  • 2-Pak = $220 ($30 savings - $110 each)
  • 4-Pak = $380 ($120 savings - $95 each)
  • 6-Pak = $450 ($300 savings - $75 each)

Multi-Paks can be purchased here.

* IMPORTANT: The purchaser of the Multi-Pak must be present for check-in at the racetrack in order for the friend(s) to take advantage of the shared Multi-Pak; they will be asked to provide proof of identification. The purchaser is not required to participate in SuperStreet when sharing.

Motorcycle & Rider Requirements

Your motorcycle should be in good working order. Roadracing puts MUCH more stress on your motorcycle compared to canyon carving and you should make sure your bike is good shape with good tires, properly adjusted steering head bearings, suspension settings & brakes. For the SuperStreet event, you are not required to “safety wire” any parts, but are required to tape up your lights and mirrors. All controls and wearing parts should be in superb working order.

It is very important that you DO NOT have glycol based coolant in your cooling system. If your bike boils over or spills glycol on the track, it is impossible to clean up so you will ruin everyone’s day.

SuperStreet class bike tech rules (see MRA Rulebook section 2.9):

  1. Unlimited displacement, modifications and engine configurations.
  2. Coolant must be only water, Red Line Water Wetter, Royal Purple Ice (NOT Engine Ice or Evans coolant), or Silkolene Pro CCA coolant additives are allowed in liquid cooled motorcycles. Glycol based substances are prohibited. For the purpose of these rules, motorcycles which use engine oil as a primary cooling fluid are considered to be air-cooled.
  3. Neat and clean. Motorcycles that are dirty or show potentially dangerous bodywork damage will not be approved.
  4. Tires must be in good condition and may not be re-caps. Valve caps must be installed. Tread must be at least 50%.
  5. Operational front and rear brakes, with at least 50% thickness.
  6. Operational handlebar-mounted kill switch or button.
  7. Self-closing throttle.
  8. All lights and blinkers must be taped or removed.
  9. Side stands can remain on bike but must have good working return spring.
  10. Silicone brake fluid is not allowed (DOT 5 Brake Fluid).
  11. An MRA provided decal will be displayed on both sides of the bike at least axle line high or higher.
  12. All machines will be left to VP of Rules and Tech final approval.
  13. Riders must meet requirements as defined in the MRA Rulebook Section 5.1 Rider Equipment.
  14. All riders must conform to and have an understanding of Sections 8, 9, 10 and 11 of the MRA rulebook.
  15. The rider bears the responsibility of presenting a motorcycle in conformance with all requirements.
  16. All motorcycles and rider equipment must pass MRA technical inspection before participating in any practice session, race or school.
  17. The burden of complying with the rules regarding class suitability and technical requirements rests with the entrant. It is his/her responsibility to seek approval of the VP or Rules & Tech of any areas in question.
  18. The VP of Rules & Tech or any MRA official reserves the right to inspect any race motorcycle or rider apparel or equipment at any time during race day for compliance to MRA technical standards and may revoke the Technical Inspection Approval Sticker of any motorcycle at any time during the race day.
  19. Any motorcycle or rider involved in a crash will be subject to re-inspection. Damage that in any way endangers rider safety must be repaired prior to starting or continuing any further practice or competition.


SuperStreet classes will be held on the Saturdays of MRA Race events. Click here for the current MRA season schedule.

On Saturday, the schedule is:

  • 10:30am – If you haven’t registered for SuperStreet online, this is the latest you can register in the raceday office at the track.
  • 11:00am – Arrive at the track, perform any pit / equipment setup as you need. You should have all of your equipment ready to go through tech & get on the track prior to the start of the registration/classroom session at noon.
  • Noon – Classroom registration and instruction begins. Don’t be late!
  • 1:00pm – Classroom session ends, begin SuperStreet tech inspection
  • 3:30pm (or so) – listen for announcements, pair up with instructors @ pre-grid, start the on-track drills and instruction sessions
  • The rest of the day will alternate with on-track and off track instruction sessions finalizing with the SuperStreet sprint race.

You should have your bike unloaded and pit set up before the classroom.   Tech opens shortly after 1pm.  Bring your bike cool to tech so that the radiator fluid can be inspected.   Follow the MRA race schedule so that during the last race, you can get ready for the SuperStreet calls for on track sessions afterwards.  

Entries (2)

David Garza
Jerry Fuller

Pueblo Motorsports Park

Pueblo, CO
Download track map
Download track map


Motorcycle Roadracing Association

Event over!