Sat, Feb 26, 2022

2022 TXR SCCA Solo Beginners School

Dragon Stadium

About this event

The TX Region Solo School has 45 openings.  Because the school is intended for those that are new to autocrossing, initial registrations will be confirmed for people meeting that description with others being placed on a waiting list. If spots are open 10 days prior to the school then those that were placed on the waiting list will have their registrations confirmed. 

Once the 45 spots are filled, you may choose to be added on the waiting list for cancellations.  You will not be charged until we can confirm a spot for you.  Cancellations will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  The timestamp of your registration will determine the sequence for filling canceled spots.

The TX Region solo school is a great way to get introduced to the sport of autocross, and it's a great deal!  $80 for SCCA members, $90 for non-members.   You get a very informative classroom session, individual coaching and instruction from National caliber drivers and tons of seat time. In addition, you'll also get FREE entry into the first regular season event that takes place the day after the school.  It's the deal of the year!

Solo School registration will be online only - we cannot accommodate walk-up registration for the school.

Loaner helmets will be available free of charge to students.

Event requirements

Before you can participate in the driving portion of the school your car will need to pass a basic tech inspection. Tech inspection will take place the morning of the school.  Most street cars easily pass tech inspection, but please check Frequently Asked Questions for a brief description of what tech will be looking for.


Your School tuition includes a FREE entry into a Texas Region autocross event #1 on February 27th at Lonestar Park.  Your registration will be automatically copied over by event staff.


School Schedule:

8:30am ..................... Check In and Welcome (Coffee & donuts will be available)

9:00am ..................... Short classroom Session

10:30am (approx)...... In-car instruction

3:30pm (approx)........ Wrap Up

If you have questions about the school, contact Tim Bergin at:


**Please note:  Everyone on site MUST sign the insurance waiver & wear a wristband.  Minor waivers will be available for anyone under 18 accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.


Click here for a very helpful guide to autocrossing

Entries (35)

Bryan Higgins
Greg Port
Tommy Gillett
Kevin Ceron
Sam Stolz
Brian Woods
Ethan Conlin
Matt Conlin

Dragon Stadium

Southlake, TX
Download track map
Download track map


HPDE organized by

SCCA - Texas Region - Solo

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Event over!