Sat, Aug 13, 2011

2011 GGLC Autocross Points Event 5

Marina Airport

About this event

Changes from previous years:

  • All morning runs (usually 5)  count towards the point series for each GGLC club member.

Afternoon are fun runs (timed). Non club members think of this as a fun/practice event . 1 second penalty  per cone hit.

Since 2010 Autocross season the Golden Gate Lotus Club created a single consolidated trophy for all Elise/Exige variants that replaces all older classes for street and race tires. The new trophy uses a PAX Index which is a commonly used handicapping system for comparing times of cars which are not in the same class. The index is composed of data from across the country, and tries to take the driver out of the equation and compare only the cars. The PAX index value is multiplied against your raw run time to provide single comparable time that shows the driver performance within the car. The points and overall winners for the 2010 GGLC Elise/Exige trophy will be based on the PAX indexed times only.

The event takes place at Marina Airport, California.

Check the GGLC site for more information

You can join Golden Gate Lotus Club as part of this event registration.

Our 2011 season is sponsored by Dietsch Werks

NoteOnly  participating GGLC members can register during first week of registration. During this first week if you can not proceed to registration (past this page) and you beleive you're a club member in good standing (membership dues are paid) this means your club membership on this site is not confirmed. Send us email to clear this up.

You can follow this link to join Golden Gate Lotus Club. If you decide to join the club to be able to register for our events early remember you need to do this in advance because membership application processing takes time.

Club members are also given preference on the waitlist.

Note- You must be club member in good standing prior to event registration opening to be eligible for these privileges.

Event fee is $60 for club members and $70 for others and includes one lunch order.

After first week (reserved for existing club members) of registration any non-member can join the club by choosing GGLC($50) + Membership($25) options on sign-up form.

See you at the Autocross!

Event requirements


GGLC Autocross events will have a limited number of drivers to allow drivers to get a large number of runs. Drivers are broken into three run groups A(1), B(2), C(3) and the groups rotate between running,  working and resting.  All drivers are required to work in both morning and afternoon sessions. We don't allow half-day sign-ups.

3 Run Group configuration

Session    Run    Work
#1              A        B
#2              B        C
#3              C        A
#4              A        B
#5              B        C
#6              C        A


  • Bring water, there's no water on-site.
  • Sun-screen is a must if you're prone to burning. It gets windy, so bring a warm jacket.
  • Helmets are required, DOT or better. A few loaner helmets will be available.
  • All occupants (driver and passenger) must have a helmet and seat belt on while on course.
  • Age limit is 18 to drive, 16 to ride, drivers must have valid driver's license.
  • Speed limit within the AutoX site is a maximum of 15 MPH
  • Only GGLC members can compete for points. Others should only register choosing fun/practice option provided.
  • GGLC members running for points must properly fill out their car class information. Remember, we will score your points using indexed times based on this information. It is your responsiblity to enter correct information. When unsure please contact us for clarification. See below on details of indexed times calculation.
  • Incorrect car classification may lead to artifically low indexed times which in turn will unjustly place you ahead of the others. If this happens and others protest event organizers will correct results once the truth is established.
  • We use permanent number system throuout entire year race season and don't allow duplicate numbers. Acceptable numbers are given from the pool 1...999. Leading zeroes are ignored (i.e. 042 and 42 is the same number).  Once the number is used it stays with that driver as long as you actively participate in our events (if you don't show up for over a year we may revoke the number and give it to some one else).
  • If you want to use your own car numbers or want to change number please contact us to make sure your desired number is not taken already by some one else.
  • Chuforia graffix is the official graphics provider for the GGLC. You can order numbers or any other car graphics at this link.
  • If you don't have your own number answer "yes" to relevant question when registering.
  • If you drive at the event you're required to honor your work assignment. Senior drivers (70+) are not required to work but may choose to do so if they wish.
  • If you sign up for event you are required to honor your work assignment for entire day. If you have some kind of emergency situation please work this out with event chair so that your position can be covered.

SCHEDULE (typical)

  • 8:00-9:00 Arrival & Set-up
  • 9:00-9:40 Check-in, Tech inspection & Course Walk-Thru
  • 9:40-10:00 Driver's Meeting (Mandatory)
  • 10:00-12:00 Morning runs - Groups alternate Running and Working
  • 12:00-12:45 Lunch
  • 12:45-4:15 Afternoon runs - Group alternate Running and Working


Members of GGLC club can choose to compete for points in one of the 2 classes:
Class Cars allowed Class Index
Elise Any production modification of Elise or Exige on any tires Use Classification Tool
Open Virtual class for all other car makes/models. Choose appropriate SCCA Solo-2 Class to make your indexed time come out right. Based on SCCA Class


If you compete in Federal Elise or Exige please use GGLC Elise/Exige Classification Tool which allows us to determine your class and the PAX Index. Select the appropriate options for your car and press the "Classify" button to get your GGLC autocross class (Lotus Elise/Exige only). Enter this class information into the registration form here during sign-up. If you have any questions about this page or the classing system please contact

If you want to compete for season points in Open class you need to know your SCCA Solo-2 car class. Check out this page for reference. You can find PAX values at this link

Car classification changes every year so check with SCCA rules for current year as your car may be now classed in deferent class.

TIRE and CAR indexing rules
for those competing in our classes we will rank your indexed times.

If you compete in Open class please choose appropriate SCCA class on a sign-up form. We no longer calculate tire index for Open class. If you choose SCCA class it's assumed you will run on most competitive tires allowed for that SCCA class.

If you run Federal Elise or Exige then use our GGLC Classification Tool which will take into account your tire choice.

Marina Airport

Marina, CA


Autocross/Solo organized by

Golden Gate Lotus Club AutoX

More events from this organizer
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2025 GGLC Autocross Event 2
2025 GGLC Autocross Event 2
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2025 GGLC Autocross Event 3
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2025 GGLC Autocross Event 4
2025 GGLC Autocross Event 4
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Event over!