Sat, Jun 22 - Sun, Jun 23, 2013


New York Safety Track

About this event

Online Registrarion opens March 1, 2013

EMRA's First Visit to New York Safety Track- Sprint Race, Time Trials, FRCCA/Formula Racing
New York Safety Track, Davenport, NY
Saturday & Sunday, June 22nd & 23rd, 2013

Event Fees:

- One Day Sprint Race: $275

- One Day Time Trial : $275

- Sprint Race Combo (Saturday and Sunday): $500

- Time Trial Combo (Saturday and Sunday): $500

*There is a $50 late payment fee for any payments received after Saturday, July 20th, 2013

Licensing Fees:

Time Trial License Renewal: $50

Race Competition License: $50

Temporary Weekend License: $25

** Required when the driver holds a competition license from recognized motorsports organization other than EMRA
Contact EMRA's Chief of Race Licensing if you are unsure about your status.

Transponder Fees:

Rental $45 (a $420 deposit (check or cash) is required at the track)

Event requirements

Remember to check the certification dates of your safety equipment before heading out for an EMRA event this season.


As of January 2012, all helmets must be certified Snell 2005 or later. Snell M helmets (Snell M2005, or M2010) are acceptable for time trials. Competition racers must use helmets with a Snell SA rating (Snell SA2005, or SA2010).

Safety Harness and Belts:

SFI certified belts manufactured in 2008 will NO longer be acceptable as EMRA Race / Enduro safety equipment. EMRA holds valid SFI certifications until December 31st of the 2nd year after the date of manufacture as indicated on the belts label. (Refer to Driver Safety, Section 1.3 of EMRA's GCR for complete details). FIA Certified belts are valid until December 31st of the fifth year of the expiration date as marked on the manufacturer's label.

Time Trialers Only -- Three-point harness with metal to metal mounting required as a minimum. OEM seatbelts or equivalent are acceptable, but must be in good working condition. A PROPERLY INSTALLED four, five, six, or seven-point racing harness is acceptable, but not required. All aftermarket harnesses Must have a current DOT, SFI or FIA tag. Only separate shoulder mounts are permitted. The "Y" type shoulder straps are not allowed. "H" type configuration is permitted. Aftermarket harnesses are acceptable ONLY if properly installed. If there is any doubt, please bring your OEM three-point belts and hardware to the event. Belts must be in good working condition, not frayed, stretched or weathered. The harness MUST be installed in accordance with EMRA race and manufacturer's requirements. There will be NO exceptions to this rule.

Downloadable Guides:

EMRA Competition Licenses:

EMRA Competition Licenses are required to run at an EMRA Event. Licenses are renewable each calendar year.

  • If you need to renew a current license, download, complete and mail the appropriate form with payment to the addresses provided of the form:

    2013 Time Trial License Renewal Form (pdf)
    2013 Race License Renewal Form (pdf)
    EMRA Medical Examination Form (pdf)
  • If you have not held an EMRA License before and have a license from another sanctioning organization, you may apply for a temporary weekend license. Please select this option when registering for your first event. You may also apply for an EMRA competition license by contacting our Race Chairman, Cory Canzone at
  • If you do not hold any type of competition or time trial license, you may register as a Student at any of our Time Trial events. Please select this option when registering for your first event.

For questions regarding EMRA Driver Licenses, please contact

New York Safety Track

Davenport, NY
Download track map
Download track map


Combined organized by

EMRA - Eastern Motor Racing Assoc.

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Event over!