Fri, Mar 31 - Sun, Apr 2, 2017

Tarheel & Toe HPDS Spring '17

Virginia International Raceway

About this event

BMW CCA Tarheel Chapter HPDE -- March 31, April 1-2, 2017
Virginia International Raceway - Full Course


Run Group spaces remaining as of 3/25 3pm: 

Come join us for a wonderful opportunity to experience the Full Course of the Repaved and Widened Virginia International Raceway [VIR]. Learn more about VIR at Learn more about Tarheel Chapter BMW CCA Driver Schools at under TRACK.  Once again post-repaving all 3 of our schools are "In High Season".  Rental rates on these High Season weekends are significantly greater than February and November, compounded by yet another VIR rate increase.

Registration opens 1/25/2016 at 8:00 PM EST to current Tarheel Chapter affiliate members.  HPDS cost is $450.00 Sat/Sun.  Ten days later registration opens to BMW CCA members affiliated with OTHER chapters.  Must be BMW CCA member to participate per BMW CCA National guidelines.  Not a member of BMW CCA? Join at

Only Instructor Training School [ITS] students, A-PLUS with Tarheel Chapter, and Licensed Club Racers may register for Friday.  Just as we have A-D run groups, we have added the category A-PLUS.  (The program has been renamed from A-Solo to A-Plus) The program description and qualification requirements are described in this linked document.  Review that document and your logbooks on MotorSportReg and Driving Evals.  The cost to A-Plus students for Friday, Sat, Sun is $675.00.  At this time we accommodate only nine (9) A-Plus students per event.  Friday there will be a student meeting, brief classroom and coaches will be available to you in-car during at least one session and optionally throughout the day upon request. We provide a customized advanced curriculum with special sessions tailored to the requests of participants.  You will drive with the instructors on Friday giving potentially 7+ hours on track time.  A-Plus may then be solo drivers with optional coached workshops on Saturday and Sunday.

Club Racers with competition licenses may join us for open track Friday.  Your cost is $225 and you're guaranteed a minimum of 4 hours track time.  More maybe available depending on the schedule.

Registration opens the same time as students and will not close until staffing is completed. Note we cannot confirm students until we have sufficient staff so please let us know early that you will be available to Instruct. Friday cost for instructors working Sat/Sun (and ITS candidates) is $155.00.   Not included are Instructors not available to instruct the weekend or A-B-C-D level students.

 Tarheel Chapter Annual Meeting and Banquet will be Saturday evening at the VIR Facility using the (Museum) Banquet Building.  Please plan to be part of this social evening.  Track attire will be welcome.  The Guest speaker is Scott Hughes from the BMW CCA Foundation.  Registration for the banquet will be separate.  Registration can be completed at this link.

We have switched to "Required but Deferred" payment processing to ensure no one is charged until they're confirmed. That said, a valid card must be provided at registration, but we will not charge you until we confirm you to the event.  If your card is denied when we attempt to charge, you may languish on the waitlist.  Please plan accordingly.

Everyone registers in the North Paddock at VIR on FRIDAY.  Participants who attend Friday will register Friday AM around 8:30 AM.  EVERYONE else registers Friday afternoon/evening in the Paddock of the North Course.  INSTRUCTORS working only Sat/Sun may check-in Saturday AM if you are not able to do so Friday evening.  Please,
everyone try to register Friday.  Saturday morning check-ins are very hectic and stressful for everyone.

Cancellation Policy
You must cancel by using the self-cancellation on site and please, also email the Event Registrar via the MSR registrar contact link.  The timestamp is automatically added to the private note letting organizers apply the refund policy. Students, if your cancellation was done PRIOR to 10 days before the Saturday of the school, you will get back the school fee less $50.00 processing fee. Cancellations after 10 days prior to Saturday's On Track for Students will NOT be refunded.  Aborted events (as determined by the Driving Events Committee) may trigger a refund/credit to paid registrants in a prorated amount to be determined..

No-Show Policy - *NEW*
Due to the increased demand for our event, the size of the waitlists, and the number of no-shows each event, we have elected to institute a new no-show policy. A registrant will be replaced by a waitlist stand-by on-site if registrants are late and don't exercise the courtesy of letting us know they are going to be late or not coming at all.  To avoid the no-show declaration, a registrant must fulfill any one of these three requirements:

1- Check-in, sign waivers and collect registration packet by 8:30am Saturday.
2- Contact a CI or the registrar by 7am Saturday indicating the registrant will not be able to meet requirement #1.
3- Respond by 8:30am Saturday to emails and/or calls to the registrants MotorSportReg profile contacts.

If a registrant fails to meet at least one of these requirements they will be declared a No-Show.  At that point their spot may be given to a qualified stand-by.  If the spot is re-assigned, the No-Show will receive their event fee refund less $50 administrative fees.  If not replaced, they will receive no refund.  If the no-show registrant eventually arrives the CI's at their discretion may make a best-effort to find a spot for the no-show registrant.  This opportunity is not guaranteed.

Event requirements

This is not optional.  All HPDS participants must have a current valid BMW CCA membership.  Contact BMW CCA National at 1-800-878-9292 or sign up online at BMWCCA.ORG.  Your registration cannot be confirmed until you provide a verifiable current membership number.  You will be leapfrogged by validated member registrations.

The first 10 days of registration are reserved for current Tarheel Chapter members and registered affiliate  (Primary BMW CCA Chapter + Tarheel as your 2nd chapter) members only.  Entry fee includes Saturday and Sunday.  Confirmation of current membership is BMW CCA is automated, you will not be confirmed as accepted in the school without current membership.  Associate Members: If you are listed with BMW CCA as an immediate family member of a current BMW CCA member and you are living at home or in college, you may also register during the first 10 days. Your membership card will list your parents membership number preceded by an A.  On the 11th day registration will open to other current BMW CCA chapter members on a first received basis, same cost as Tarheel Members.

HPDS participants MUST be current BMW CCA members per the BMW CCA National HPDS Guidelines.  Interested participants may become BMW CCA members using the link provided in the registration process.  One does not have to own a BMW to become a CCA member. New CCA members may request their primary chapter to be Tarheel Chapter for preferential registration/confirmation during the first 10 days. Please join at

No one under the age of 18 years may participate in a Tarheel BMWCCA High Performance Driver School.  Check out

 BMW CCA guidelines prohibit it;  data acquisition or filming your laps is not considered to be TIMING provided lap times are not visible while driving the track.  You will be required to obscure real-time lap data from view while driving.  Gathering information can help you be more proficient, aid your education, and define progress. However, this is NOT competition, anything that makes it so violates our stated mission.

Please check  under HPDS Insurance to read the latest information on what is covered by our purchased Event Insurance.   You as waiver signed participants are covered for liability during your participation in this event. You are not protected by this policy for collision. This is a gentleman's sport. You are responsible for your vehicle and that of anyone else involved with you in a collision at the event. Private insurance policies may not cover a "racing surface" based school. READ your insurance policies exclusions.  Hint: Do not ask your Insurance Agent whether you are covered during a driver school on a track; rather ask for all exclusions in writing.  We, as organizers strive to comply with the BMW CCA HPDS Guidelines and to be diligent in enforcing the policies. This gives the best opportunity to successfully defend any lawsuit (heaven forbid) occurring out of executing this HPDS. Your cooperation and safe conduct enables us to maintain reasonable insurance costs. 


  • All cars must be tech inspected and Tech Sheet completed prior to registration.  Tarheel Chapter staff do NOT tech your car on-site.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your car is safe. After the meet and greet you and your assigned instructor will Clean Tech your car and get familiar with the car and its modifications if any.
  • A Snell-rated helmet (with SNELL sticker) is mandatory! DOT Rating is NOT sufficient. Any SA, M or K rated SNELL 2010 or newer helmets are allowed.  NOTE THAT SA2005 HELMETS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED
  • Equal restraints are required for driver and passenger.  This applies to EVERYONE. 
  • Long sleeve shirts and long pants are required unless special permission is granted to the school; usually it is based on temperatures. Come prepared for either short or long sleeves.
  • All cars participating in the school Sat./Sun. must have front passenger seat. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Requirements for participation in a CONVERTIBLE OR OPEN TOP car are based on BMW CCA Guidelines and may be found on our website:  Contact our Chief Instructors Paul Tillery/April Curtis or our safety officer, Mike Hinkley well ahead of the event to insure that you understand and comply with the convertible guidelines.  We adhere to them without exception.
  • The event will be held rain or shine. However, the club may cancel or close down the event if the track or weather conditions pose an inordinate safety concern for the participants. The decision is that of the Chief Instructor and Event Coordinator.
  • The Sleep INN Danville Airport will be the headquarters hotel for this school. We have BLOCKED A SECTION WITH REDUCED RATES. Be sure to request the BMW CCA Tarheel negotiated block rate.


Vehicles must have a muffler sufficient for use of headset communicators for all student groups . Stock exhaust systems are fine.  If you can't carry a normal conversation in the cabin at highway speed WITH WINDOWS DOWN, your exhaust will not be compliant...  Contact the Chief Instructor prior to registering if you have questions about your vehicle's compliance.

When selecting your run group preference, use the following guidelines.

  • A-Plus: Experience 4 or more schools (8 days) in the A group with Tarheel Chapter in the most recent three seasons.  Achieve scores of all 5's Attitude and 11's or better on skills in your student evaluation. Recommendations of 2 Tarheel instructors to qualify.  Confirmed A-Plus students may register to drive on Fridays in addition to Sat/Sun.

  • A : Experience 8 or more schools &/or completed B with recommendation of Instructor to move to A.

  • B : Experience 6 or more schools &/or completed C with recommendation of Instructor to move to B.

  • C : Experience 4 or more schools &/or completed D with recommendation of Instructor to move to C.

  • D : Experience 0-4 schools.

Students may elect to remain in a lower group for more experience at any level; an instructor may elect not to advance a student even if s/he has enough schools to advance. Note that a recommendation from your last instructor to move you up is needed in order for you to advance. You may request a specific instructor at the time of registration. We will TRY to accommodate that request.  Do NOT wait until a week prior to the school to make special requests, it is likely your requested instructor will have been taken by then.

HPDS on-track training will be provided by in-car instructors who will instruct to your individual needs & level of experience.  There are typically 4 run groups, 4 sessions daily and ample classroom instruction. First time students/D group students will ride in the instructor's car with their instructor driving for their first session of the day to provide a good orientation to the track, corner workers' location and a general overview of what they may expect during the school.  This is done without helmets at lower than highway speeds. This follows our MEET and GREET session at which time you will meet your instructor and together you will set a time to clean tech your car. D students will also have classroom prior to their first driving session on track.  Read all of the Student Confirmation packet at prior to arrival. Confirmation packets will be made available on line AFTER YOU'VE BEEN CONFIRMED as attending.  Be Safe and Have Fun.

Run group preference is only that, we reserve the right to reassign as indicated or as necessary based on # in your run group. We also check your log book prior to confirmation into a run group.


  • A WORKING COMMUNICATOR is essential for good communication. In the case of medical reasons why YOU can't use the ear pieces, just use the microphone. Your student can wear the ear pieces. He/she can hear you, you can't hear him over the intercom.  Not ideal, but better than shouting.
  • All cars participating Sat/Sun must have the front passenger seat. NO EXCEPTIONS! Part of your instructing job includes taking your student out in your car to demonstrate the skills that you are trying to impart. This demonstration is done at the STUDENT'S RUN GROUP LEVEL speeds.  Please, no thrill rides.
  • Participant Registration is done on Friday at the track.  The arm band is placed on your arm at registration by our staff when you sign the waiver. VIR also has a waiver that you must sign to gain entrance to VIR, that is different and in addition to our insurance waiver. 
  • BMW CCA guest instructors belonging to chapters other than Tarheel, who have instructed with us in the recent past, may register at the same time as our regular Tarheel Cadre. Guest instructors will be used as needed. If you have not instructed with us in the recent past and you are available, please contact Scott Meyer at Your online registration is time-stamped when you sign up online. The instructor fee for Friday is $155 for instructors who are instructing Saturday and Sunday. You cannot pay on line for Friday.  We will accept checks or cash at the Friday AM registration at the track.  Please bring your check (filled out in advance) or cash.  No participant may attend Friday if they are not participating Sat. & Sun.  Our policy is that instructors will have A & C or B & D students to facilitate time for pre-track communication and post-track debriefing.  Completed student evaluations are required as part of your duties . Please be precise and share your scoring with your student.  If you wish to add an additional comment for staff only, do so after your review with your student.
  • Special Registration Note: If you are a recognized instructor for Tarheel Chapter do NOT sign up as a student or "BMW CCA Member", doing so puts you in the student pool.  If you are not presented with access to the instructor signup packages, and you have instructed with Tarheel Chapter BMW before, contact the Tarheel Chief Instructor or Instructor Coordinator, Scott Meyer  ( and request to be flagged as a "Recognized Instructor".  If you were already flagged as instructor by the CI, you should have been directed to the Instructors only sign up. Once you are on the "Recognized Instructor" list,  select the Fri/Sat/Sun or the Sat/Sun option and continue.  Thank you for choosing Tarheel Chapter HPDS. Your help is essential and very much appreciated. We hope you have a rewarding experience with Tarheel Chapter.  It is our honor to have you instruct with us.
  • Instructor confirmation packet is available at for further information on headquarters, etc...  PACKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AFTER YOU'VE BEEN CONFIRMED as attending by our Chief Instructors.

Sleep INN will be the headquarters for this school. We have BLOCKED A SECTION WITH REDUCED RATES. Be sure to request the BMW CCA Tarheel negotiated rate.

Entries (252)

Peter Kamarchik
Rob Carney
David Sisk
Salah Hibri
Ryan Holloway
Philip Wagoner
Sam Watts
Chuck Hawks

Virginia International Raceway

Alton, VA
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HPDE organized by

BMW CCA - Tarheel Chapter

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Event over!