About this event
Registration Fees
Team Registration - $1,000
Individual Registration - $250
Donations are accepted. Please go to the registration page and select donation
The Semper Fi Fund 150 is charity go-kart event to raise money for Semper Fi Fund. Semper Fi Fund is a 501-3c charity to help wounded service members and their families in time of need. More information can be found here https://semperfifund.org/about-us/mission/
This is to take place at Go-Pro Motorplex http://www.gopromotorplex.com/
Tuesday May 31, 2016, just two days after NASCAR's longest race!
Event requirements
This event is 'run-what-you-brung!' Bring your helmet and gloves and have some fun for a great cause. If you don't have a helmet, one can be provided at Go-Pro Motorplex
If the event is not full, registrations will be accepted on location, payment must be cash or credit card, sorry no checks