Fri, Aug 29 - Sun, Aug 31, 2014
Potomac PCA & PCC- ACNA Labor Day DE at VIR
Virginia International RacewayAbout this event
Potomac PCA and Potomac-Chesapeake Audi Clubs return to Virginia Intrnationsl Raceway for Our Labor Day DE with lots of Porsches and Audis.
This is Potomac's annual Labor Day DE. This is a 'must do' event for 2013. This is a 3 day only event on one of the most famous courses we visit. Don't miss out on the chance to drive ths track.
Please make sure all your guests are registered and have signed waivers. Drive safe, smart and have a great weekend. As always, “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people”.
Registration Fee: $405 for drivers and $200 for Instructors
Also, please remember that Potomac requires your car to be inspected no more than two weeks prior to the event. Potomac will be offering a free tech inspection on August 16, see Tech Inspections for more details.
Event requirements
All drivers must be at least 18 yrs old and have a valid drivers license
Also, please remember that Potomac requires your car to be inspected no more than two weeks prior to the event. Potomac will be offering a free tech inspection on August 16, see Tech Inspections for more details.
Click here to download a tech form
Click here for a downloadable version of these rules.
- Our events are open to all marques;
- Online registration usually opens 60 days prior to an event, however some events open earlier. Registration will close two weeks prior to the event. Watch the website for revisions.
- Instructors may register for all events starting in January.
- We notify you of your status by email. You are responsible to update your profile in the website to include your current contact information.
- We initially list all registrants as “New”. We will change your status as soon as possible. We will provide formal notification of acceptance into an event by email about 30 days prior to an event. If you haven’t received any notification, check the website for your status.
- Instructors and Potomac volunteers will be accepted prior to filling the run groups
- You must cancel online BEFORE WE BILL YOU, usually two – three weeks before the event.
- If you cannot cancel online, you must notify the Registrar by email and receive an ACKNOWLEDGMENT by email to verify that you have cancelled.
- Potomac accepts only credit cards for payment. You are responsible for maintaining VALID CREDIT CARD INFORMATION in your profile.
- We bill your credit card two to three weeks before the event.
- Billing problems result in notification by email with one week to resolve the issue. If the issue is not resolved, we may cancel you from the event.
- Credit card and billing information uses secure connections and is encrypted. You are the only person who has access to your card number. We use only the last four digits for billing.
- Cancel before you are billed and there is no charge.
- Cancel after you are billed and you forfeit your entry fee.
- Contact the DE Chair to discuss special circumstances or to request a refund. THE DE CHAIR IS THE ONLY PERSON WHO CAN AUTHORIZE A REFUND OR CREDIT FOR AN EVENT.
- If you are authorized a credit for an event, you must use it before the end of the calendar year. We will not carry credits over into the following year.
Virginia International Raceway
Alton, VA
PCA - Potomac, The Founders' Region - DE
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