MARRS 1 w/ NEDiv & V8RRS SCCA DC Region
Summit Point - Summit Point CircuitAbout this event
The Washington DC Region of SCCA invites you to MARRS 1, NEDiv Championship Round 1, and V8 Road Racing Series - April 06-07, 2019 at Summit Point Motorsports Park.
Entry Fees: Only $350 if registered by 11:59 pm Monday, April 1st. $380 if registered after that time/date. 2nd entry for same driver in 2nd class = $175.
EVERYONE: Be sure to read the Supps for details.
For registration questions before and after the event contact the region office at 301-572-7444. During the event contact Registration at the track at 304-725-4071.
Please join us join us on Saturday night for a social gathering - everyone (all crew, guests, workers & participants) are invited!
REMEMBER: Drivers and Workers are welcome to invite their guests and crew to our MARRS events at Summit Point with NO ENTRY FEE at the gate! Anyone entering "hot" areas will need to be a SCCA member and can obtain full and weekend memberships at the Registration building. All "hot" area crew will need to check in at Registration to get credentials and sign our waiver. "Cold" passes are also available at Registration bldg, but not for hot areas (non-members).
Event requirements
You can view the SUPPS and schedule here:
Please be aware that the discounted entry fee of $350 expires at 11:59 pm Monday, April 1st - the regular registration fee amount of $380 is automatically applied after this date/time. Also, any unused reserved MARRS numbers are released at that time and become available to anyone for this event.
NO entry fee at the Summit Point gate for our MARRS events!!