Open Track organized by
Pitt Race
Fri, Oct 6, 2017

Pitt Race Full Track Test & Tune Afternoon Only

Pittsburgh International Race Compl

About this event

This is Pitt Race Test and Tune is an afternoon session ONLY event. Pitt Race Group 3 drivers, Competition License Holders, and registered Chump Car drivers are the ONLY permitted participants. This event is charged PER CAR. Chump Car racers may enter 1 car with multiple drivers, but any additional car must pay an additional registration fee. Chump Car drivers are NOT permitted to enter the Group 1 and Group 2 Pitt PDE scheduled for the morning of the same day.

Test and Tune is non-timed, non-competition track time for licensed racers, time trial drivers and approved Pitt Race PDE Group 3 drivers. This program is designed for those seeking additional seat time for driver improvement, vehicle and chassis tuning, and for those who want more practice time on the Pitt Race circuit prior to a race event. This program permits advanced passing rules in order to maximize the use of time spent on the track. This is also a great opportunity to shake down your car or test for an upcoming race.

Open wheel cars are permitted but Pitt Race reserves the right to cancel the open wheel run group if a minimum of 6 cars is not reached prior to the close of online registration.

No instructor feedback will be offered by Pitt Race. Once the Pitt Race race-control officials know the number and types of cars coming, they will divide the cars into groups of similar configurations and performance. The goal is to give every team and driver as much track time as possible. Pitt Race reserves the right to modify the run groups at any time during the day.

All test days are open to the public for spectating and fans are encouraged to come watch their favorite drivers and teams practice.

$200 per car for ½ day (Afternoon sessions ONLY)

Test & Tune Daily Protocol:

  • Participants may enter the property 7:00 a.m.
  • Registration begins at 7:15 a.m., followed by a mandatory driver’s meeting at 8:00 a.m. Half day participants drivers meeting will be at 12 noon. If you arrive after the drivers meeting you must see the lead instructor before you will be given access to the track.
  • No race engines may be started before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m.
  • Test & Tune on-track sessions generally begin at 8:30 a.m. and run until 5:00 p.m., but any given Test & Tune schedule is subject to adjustments and modifications.
  • Cars are generally divided into “open-wheel” and “closed-wheel” groups with further separation based on other factors if possible. 
  • Pitt Race determines the schedule and run groups based on enrollment. Generally drivers will have 4 or 5, 20-25 minute sessions throughout the day.  
  • In the interest of safety, Pitt Race reserves the right to limit the number of participants for the event and on the track at any one time.


Start End Session Group Passing Rules Passenger Rules
1:30 PM 1:50 PM Session 1 Chump Car Drivers Point-by passing Only Passengers permitted
1:55 PM 2:15 PM Session 2 Chump Car Drivers. Open Passing No Passengers
2:20 AM 2:55 PM Session 3 Non-Chump car  Point-by passing Only No Passengers
3:00 PM 3:20 PM Session 4 Chump Car Drivers Point-by passing Only Passengers permitted
3:25 PM 3:45 PM Session 5 Chump Car Drivers Open Passing No Passengers
3:50 PM 4:25 PM Session 6 Non-Chump car  Point-by passing Only No Passengers
4:30 PM 4:55 PM Session 7 Chump Car drivers Open Passing No Passengers
5:00 PM 5:30 PM Session 8 Non-Chump car  Point-by passing Only No Passengers


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Event requirements

Driver Requirements:

  • All drivers must present proof of a current competition license or have documentation from Pitt Race HPDE or other program that shows the driver is in the advanced group. SCCA, NASA Competition or HPDE4 license, Professional Sports Car Racing, VSCDA, SVRA, Vintage National License, VRG, RCCA, Pro-Rally, NASCAR, CART, FIA, EMRA, car club competition license or CASC license. Certificates documenting the completion of a racing course from an accredited driving school within the past 12 months may also be accepted.
  • Shoes that cover the entire foot must be worn while on track. (No sandals, heels, crocks, etc.)
  • Long pants and long sleeved shirts are required for participation.
  • Helmets Snell certified with the following ratings are accepted: SA2015, SA2010, SA2005, SAH2010, M2015, M2010, and M2005.  Note; The 2005 rated helmets will no longer be acceptable after 01/01/17
  • Drivers are required to bring their helmet to check-in for approval and helmet tech decal. The helmet will then be valid for the year indicated on the decal.
  • Drivers must bring Student Log Book to every PDE. Driver must turn in a copy of Log Book once signed off as Group 2 solo and/or Group 3 for track records. Log books for new students available at registration.


Car Requirements:

  • To ensure your safety and others participating, all cars must complete the Self Tech Form before driving on track. (A link to this form will be provided upon confirmation of registration) 
  • This program requires all drivers to use their own qualified vehicle.
  • Convertible vehicles with operational factory rollover protection system are allowed. This includes factory roll bars, pop up rollover protection, and reinforced a-pillars designed to provide rollover protection. The car must be driven with the convertible top in the up and locked position. Arm restraints are recommended.
  • All other convertibles require either an installed factory hard top or a four-point roll bar. If a roll bar is installed, the top of the driver’s helmet must be below the line from the top of the roll bar (not including padding) to the top of the windshield frame. Portions of the roll bar subject to contact by the drivers’ helmet must be padded with a non-resilient material with a minimum thickness of one-half inch. Arm restraints are recommended.
  • Fully prepared road race competition cars and street cars are permitted.
  • Vehicles with a high center of gravity and narrow track, including SUV's, Cross-Overs, Mini Vans, and 4WD pickup trucks, are not permitted.
  • No passengers in any cars at any time, excluding approved instructors riding with a student.
  • Pitt Race management reserves the right to deny access to the track to any driver or vehicle for safety concerns.   

Manned Corner Stations
Pitt Race provides emergency services and corner workers. Please attempt to get disabled cars to a designated safe zone and remain in car while waiting for assistance from the flag worker or Fire/Rescue.

Support Crews
Support crews are responsible for their own safety during Test & Tune Days. The paddock speed limit is 10 miles per hour for all vehicles. All pit traffic is ONE-WAY; violators will be noted. Please pay attention to traffic in the paddocks and pits at all times. No person under 16 years of age is permitted in the pits at any time. No alcoholic beverages are allowed in the pits or paddocks.

Recycling/Waste Fluid
Trash receptacles and liquid recycling stations are located on the Pitt Race grounds
Please contact Pitt Race personnel if you have any questions about the containment of waste fluids

Pitt Race has the following Sunoco Fuels:

·         Leaded 110 Octane

·         Unleaded 100 Octane

·         Premium Unleaded 93 Octane

Tech form can be found and printed at Select the "Performance Driving" link and scroll down to the Self-Tech form.

Entries (33)

Jimmy Li
Rob Rabenstein
David Newbern
Ben Troxell
Arlen Dacar
Sarosh Talukdar
Brian Dolan
Farran Davis

Pittsburgh International Race Compl

Wampum, PA
Download track map
Download track map


Open Track organized by

Pitt Race

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Event over!