Sat, Aug 16, 2014

Chippewa Trail

Action City

About this event


Land of Lakes Region SCCA and the Chippewa Valley Sports Car club present The Chippewa Trail road rally. It will be about 110 miles traversing Eau Claire, Dunn and Buffalo sounties south of Eau Claire.  The roads are fun and the simple novice friendly instructions make it an event both experts and novices can enjoy. 

The rally will start at Action City in Eau Claire, WI.  

Before the rally be sure to attend the CVSCC Cars & Coffee. During this time meet some great car people and enjoy the cars. We will also be conducting a rally 101 class during C&C.

SCCA & CVSCC Members $20

Non-Members $20

The preliminary regulations an schelude follow...

Chippewa Trail RoadRally


The rally is about 115 miles. A GPS is not essential but will be helpful. Your GPS will allow you to see intersections before you get there as well as turns. In addition we will provide pickup point information using latitude and longitude should you go astray or get late and want to get back in the rally. Remember, Finishing makes you eligible for the coveted Dead Last but Finished (DLBF) award. 


Equipped No limitation on equipment
Stock Stock odometer or GPS odometer; 

Novice 2014 is your first year of rallying

Smart device 'apps' are allowed in all classes.

Note that because we give mileage and car zero time for controls equipment is no real advantage and we reserve the right to move people into the apprpriate class based on experience.



Chairman Kate Westberg
Rallymaster Clarence Westberg
Safety Kate Westberg & Dave Fuss
Controls Dave Fuss
Scoring TCRC


9-11 AM Rally 101 class & Registration

11-11:45 AM Registration & signing in

12 PM Car zero departs Action City

5 PM Car zero arrives at Action City



2013 SCCA Road Rally Regulations (RRRs), Article 2, D and these Regulations.

Vehicle Inspection

You are responsible for insuring the following is in order:

  • Headlights (high and low beams) and parking lights
  • Taillights and stoplights
  • Horn, windshield wipers and directional signals
  • Rear-view mirror
  • Foot brakes and parking brake
  • Tires (inspect for condition of sidewalls as well as tread)
  • Seat belts, securely installed for the driver and navigator
  • Safety triangle (suggested)
  • First Aid Kit (optional)

Official time

Official time for this rally will be NIST radio station WWV. A clock set to WWV will be available at registration if you don’t have access to WWV. Make sure that your watch is set correctly. 

The schedule for this rally is based on the time for Car Zero. The CZT (Car Zero Time) will be specified for each instruction. Your scheduled time for each instruction is calculated by adding your car number to the minutes of the CZT. Example: If the CZT is 13:35:20 and you are Car 7, your time for that point is 13:42:20.


Dead end roads and obvious driveways should not be considered unless you are directed to use them. Road names such as 331st can be referenced as 331, 331st, etc. As long as the number is correct, use it. As of the pre-check there were no unpaved roads.

Route Instructions

The route instructions are very easy to follow Tulips. Instructions are to be completed in numerical order. Each instruction will contain official mileage, interval mileage, tulip, average speed, interval time, CZT, and the distance to the end of section. Signs referenced will be identified in the tulip instructions as a shape. The text or graphic of the sign may be identified in the information box. 

You will get your routes when you register, if you have any questions ask before or during the drivers meeting. The course is divided into 5 sections. The odo check section is not timed and contains no timing controls. It is used to compare your odometer to ours over a variety of surfaces. Sections begin with an official mileage of 0.00 and are measured continuously until the end of the section. 

An instruction may uses the term “quiet” in built up areas where you need to go slow so you don’t upset the locals. If a speed limit is present, stay under it. We suggest you go 25 MPH in these areas. Adequate time will be given to make up lost time after the quiet area. 

Pickup Points

GPS coordinates will be given for the breaks and perhaps in some instructions to help you find the course should you get lost.

Following the Course

The correct course at each intersection is determined by applying the following priority list in the order shown.

  1. Proceed as directed by the tulip at the specified mileage. 
  2. Follow the Main Road

The main road is determined by the following and in this order.

  1. Onto (the road given in a tulip, e.g. County O)
  2. Protection (the roads without a stop or yield sign on it
  3. Paved over unpaved
  4. Straight as Possible

Measurement & Calculation

The course was measured using a front wheel drive car equipped with a thousands reading odometer. Input came from magnetic sensors attached to the driver side front drive shaft. Mileages will be given to the .01 mile. Mileage was taken at the stop/yield sign if present otherwise the apex or near edge was used.

Timing Controls (TC)

Control zones are areas where timing controls can be located. The start is indicated by a timing icon. Only one timing control will be located in a control zone. The timing line will be identified by an orange control sign on the right side of the road. You will be timed when your front tires pass the sign. DO NOT STOP at the sign. The workers will be located a short distance down the road, and you should stop next to them to get your timing sticker. The sticker will contain you time in and the CZT. Once you get your sticker, you should just continue to the next leg without worrying about being “on time”, that is, just drive the speed limit to the next leg. There are no controls on US, State or County highways. Controls may close 10 minute after the last car due.

Scheduled Time

The Scheduled Time is the time specified in a route instruction plus your car number in minutes;  this is the time you should arrive at that instruction. It is different from due time in that Due Time is dynamic, i.e. it can change throughout the event as competitors drop time; whereas Scheduled Time is fixed from the start of the event. 

Due Time

A competitors' due time is simply the time that they are due at the next timing control. Due time is your scheduled time plus any Timing Allowances submitted. So if you arrive at TC 1 six seconds late your due time for TC 2 is six seconds late. You make up dropped time at breaks or by arriving at the next TC closer or on schedule. You may only make up 1 minute maximum between TC. 


Penalties are based on your due time. You will be penalized 1 point per second early or late.  Max points you can receive for any leg is 180 points. Penalty for stopping in sight of a timing control, 30 points. Stopping is defined as going so slow that the workers can’t determine if you are still moving.

Timing Allowance (TA)

It’s possible that you could find yourself behind schedule through no fault of your own such as a vehicle blocking the road or if you stop to aid a fellow contestant. In such cases turn in a delay in tenth minute (6 second) increments up to 10 minutes. You may also take an allowance up to the amount of time you were late at the previous control.

You must turn in your TA BEFORE you receive your in time; it will be recorded on your timing sticker. If you don’t the delay will not be allowed. Sometimes you make a mistake and get behind schedule. If you do, rather than driving at high speed to make up time, take a delay. The procedure is the same but you get a 30 second penalty.


You will be provided with official scorecards and duplicates; please turn in the official scorecards when requested.

Emergency Speed

Should extreme weather conditions exist we will use the Emergency Suspension of On-time Requirement: Run at your own safe pace, measure the course, and claim your calculated time of arrival at each open control. 


Rally master Phone number (952) 381-2759. If you get lost or drop out, call or text. We may not have a sweep car so if you get stuck you may need to call for help or try the nearest farm.  

The roads are very narrow in places, do not run ahead with the expectation of finding a place to park at your standoff.  Stay on your minute. If you fall back, let the person behind you pass. If you run early, respect the car on their proper minute.


Each instruction contains an interval time and a car zero time. If you notice, sometimes the two don’t add up. The reason is truncation. For example instruction may have a time of 7:20:17. The interval time to the next instruction is 1:52. You would think the next instruction car zero time would be 7:22:09 but it’s 7:22:10. Why, because there is computed time not accounted for in truncation that doesn’t show up until until you add up all the computed time.


Event requirements

You are responsible for insuring the following are in order:
Headlights (high and low beams) and parking lights
Taillights and brake lights
Horn, windshield wipers and directional signals
Rear-view mirror
Foot brakes and parking brake
Tires (inspected for condition of sidewalls as well as tread)
Seat belts, securely installed for the driver and navigator
First Aid Kit (optional)
Fire Extinquisher (optional)

Entries (18)

Kelsey Temanson
Bob Nielsen
Michael Levenick
Gary Starr
Kyle Freimuth
Alek Wood
Anthony Stamson
Russ Kaul

Action City

Eau Claire, WI


Road Rally organized by

SCCA - Land O' Lakes Region - Road Rally

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Event over!